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The New Normal #Staycations
Come in, come in! Can I take your jacket? Tea? Coffee? Actually, there’s no time for that, just make yourself at home there while I gather my notes. There’s water in the tap.
We have much to discuss my dear palaminos, muchos to discusso. Where to begin though? The start is probably as good a place as any I guess.
I have one word for you – “The New Normal”. No, sorry, I mixed up the pages there. I have three words for you – “Staycation”.
Have you guessed where I’m going with this yet? If not, may I direct you to your local second hand bookshop where you can find a copy of my last book “Feet Up & Rolling In It: A Guide To Getting Loaded”.
Life is slowly returning to normal (tHe NeW nOrMaL), and there’s still a little bit of the summer left, which brings me to the sentence I’ve all been waiting to say: Name a better duo than driving around Ireland in a super spicy classic car.
Yes Pal Pacinos, think about it. Actually, don’t think about it, you don’t want to hurt yourself so allow me to show you a picture I quickly sketched to help illustrate my point.
Unless you’re a bit of a lunatic / have absolutely no regard for anyone’s health and safety, you’re probably going to stay in Ireland and avoid holidaying abroad for a little while… which is where we come in!
As the self-appointed world’s greatest car restoration garage, we’re here to source, repair, restore, upgrade, and service a classic for you to take on a long weekend, or to enjoy for a week by the coast.
A top down, thumbs up roadster along the west coast to get that sea breeze to blow off the cobwebs that have been hiding in your barnet since lockdown… A GT to cruise through the cities and towns… An estate to load up with everything you need for a week holiday to Cork… We’ve got you wink wink.
Here’s the deal: You contact us, we sort you out with a car and do the necessary upgrades to give you a reliable car (electronic ignition, suspension upgrades, tuning, you know yourself), you take the car and go enjoy yourself! There’s even a couple of events that you can take your car to: Drive West is a classic car drive along the coast of Clare on the 23rd August, and there’s also the classic car version of the famous Cannonball – Retro Cannonball which begins on the 7th August. I know, real car things… ‘magine!
Here in our workshop we also have a few classics that are ready to be restored, they just need a new owner to adopt them. Hang on, I’m just walking around here while I type so I don’t miss any… there’s a couple of MGB Roadsters, some Minis, a convertible VW Beetle… With these you can have the final say on how they look and feel, just give us the nod and we’ll pass notes during class.
Anyway, I’m off. I need to amend a parts order here, I forgot that cars we build don’t need wipers. Sorry what’s that? Why? Oh it’s always a perfect day when you drive a Lyons Garages car.
As always, you’ll get the latest snaps on Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to send us a message and throw us the odd sympathy like. It means a lot and you never know, it might even help us achieve our dream of becoming famous influencers.
And finally, let us say that as the world’s greatest sports car restoration team here in the Malibu of Ireland, we welcome your feedback. We don’t take it, but we welcome it all the same.
Enjoy the rest of the week. We’ll keep the internet on in case you email.
Pedal safe.